Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Anonymous Compliments

Different people have different ways to handle compliments. 

Some enjoys receiving it, some don't. 

The ones that doesn't enjoy getting it are probably the ones with low self-esteem, people who don't see the beauty in themselves as the way other sees them. Others might not enjoy it because they're shy and hates being the center of attention. 

There are days where I'd fall into this category of people who doesn't enjoy being complimented I admit. And personally, the reason why I would feel this way is because I know that not all people are sincere and sadly, there are infact people who are only nice in order to get what they want. I'm not trying to generalize here, I mean there are still really nice people who compliment me sincerely and want nothing in return but however, I find it hard to believe at times because well.. insecurities. 

I went on today and received a question that says, 

"Would you rather get compliments from anons or someone that you love?"

It took me awhile to think of an answer to this question because I was stuck between the two options but after a few thoughts, I came up with this thinking that anonymous compliments are the best because you know they aren't trying to gain anything from it. Compliments from someone that I love/my love ones can be the best ones too ofcourse. 

However, I'm overly analytical when it comes to these things, I think too much. Whenever my love ones compliments me, there are times when I'd take it and times when I don't. I guess insecurity is really a bitch. Its able to make me feel so low about myself and overthink up to the point where I would come up with the thought that my loved ones are complimenting me out of pity to make me feel good about myself. 

Well.. I guess you can say that my self-esteem is pretty low haha. 

Afterall, at the end of the day, despite all the insecurities and over-thinking, I do enjoy getting compliments. Anonymous ones especially. It gives me some boost to my self-esteem at times and I'm pretty sure a decent level of self-esteem is always good right? 

A compliment a day takes an insecure soul away (: 

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